A downloadable game

If you ever want to play a game in under ten mins or you want something relaxing, this is the game for you. 

Welcome to my game, a game where you must balance two things, life, and the hunt. You will spawn on an abandoned map and there is two or one enemy spawn point. Enemies will appear and will try to kill you, you must fight back and a treasure is hidden(well... they are easy to find. I will make it harder in the next update). Emerge in a world of cool and vibrant colors and fight your way to victory.

This game has ten levels, one boss, two mobs, two powerups, and loot chests, and cool sound effects. You can fight zombies and goblin archers or explode them to bits using powerups and you can even freeze time with the time stone.

You can find powerups in loot chests or you can buy them from the store. A cool map with a cool horror-themed map design and jumpscare sounds.  


  1. Move forward - W key
  2. Turn sideways - Left: A key, Right: D key
  3. Sprint (for ten seconds, the speed bar will indicate it) - S key

PowerUps :

  1. Time stone - When you use it, enemies around you will freeze for ten seconds and you can unlock it at level three, CONTROL:- 1 key
  2. Explosive stone - When you use it, enemies around you will explode and you can unlock it at level five, CONTROL:- 2 key


  1. Zombie: I think you know what the zombie does
  2. Goblin Archer: "Archer" means a cool arrow shooter and the goblin is a mythical creature. DUH


If you ever see a bright light at the end of the map, you can check it out. Just sayin!


The treasure hunt of doom 111 MB

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